Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Goodbye to a twisted, amusing man

After a few beers and a lot of reflection, I feel ready to sound a final blast out of my ill-noted horn I in tribute of the man who make me see the beauty of crafting words into an experience.
Although I never met the Good Doctor, I know enough to know that his death is a blow to the world in general. His was a voice of dissent. And he was a person who realized when he heard some weird knock in the political machine, quick to point out the troubled part and, more often than not, fast at the ready with a Jonathan Swift-like proposal that could have easily involved disemboweling politicans and running them out of town, screaming and strapped to the hind quarters of a pack of amphetamine-addled water rats.
He was an interesting man and I will miss him.
Godspeed Dr. Gonzo. The world will not be the same without the clicking sound of your keyboard.


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