What can I say
Well, I started back at the newspaper today after a extended hiatus. (My head gasket blew, leaving me two weeks without a vehicle -- a suprisingly nice vacation that allowed me to be alone for a while -- along with an $1,800 bill -- the not-so-good aspect of it.)
Getting back to REAL work was a good feeling. While my car was at the shop I picked up a lot of shifts at the restaurant, which reminded me of being in college -- and why I wanted so bad to get out of that lifestyle. I started to miss staying up until 2 a.m. drinking and hanging out with buddies, but it is certainly not meant for those that intend to make it through the long-haul. I wouldn't expect to make it past 40 living that way, but some have the guts to build a life around it.
Now, I guess as a result of my regression into the Ramen noodle days of my youth, I have been stricken with the sudden urge to pack money away like a squirrel preparing for the winter. On the flip side though I don't make that much money, so I guess its time to look for another job. I'm sure I won't like it as much as reporting, it most certainly won't be as exciting, but I need cash. Straight up.
So here I go, selling my dreams for the promise of stability -- or the illusion of it. And I'm a little sad about it. Time goes too fast. People flit in and out of you life too quickly. Its like trying to watch a hummingbird -- as soon as you start to absorb the beauty and amazingness of it, it's gone. But there is probably a reason things are the way they are. After all, it is the hope of seeing a hummingbird gives you a reason to get up and watch the feeder.
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