Thursday, February 02, 2006


Stupid deadlines. It's Thursday -- as you can obviously tell by the header -- and my obligations are like a mountain lion on a jogging trail, watching me run along in ignorance, knowing I will be too tired when it matters most.
It knows I need money to live, and that's why it can afford to wait.
But what it doesn't know is that I am too tired and distracted to play with it today. My mind is 250 miles away with my family and my heart is on the edge of an implosion that must be close to what meth addicts feel right before their hearts explode.
But as much as I like to blame circumstance, it was my choice to snap my fraternal tethers and move to Houston. Why I chose this quagmire as my launching pad to a new career I will never know.
Maybe one day, someone will explain it to me.


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