Thursday, March 17, 2005


Well, judging by my last post I would say that blogging while drunk is not the best thing in the world to do. It is amazing the mood swings that make up the whole drunken process. When I was 18, (drinking was legal in Louisana then) my friends and I used to make fun of all our high school buddies that got drunk and babbled all night, constantly interjecting "I love you guys" and other worthless, temporary sentiments one minute, only to turn into a cross-eyed human hater the next.
Looks like no matter how old you get, tequila can still conjure up some inner demons. But sometimes beer is too tame, and the only thing that can improve your mood is some high-octane mumble juice. Just as long as you don't write afterwards. Agreed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Thoughts from a foggy lighthouse

A lot of dull thoughts rolling around my empty skull, what used to be profound thoughts drift to the ground, losing their fire in sloggy indifference.
Yet I am sworn to stick it out, like a ninja with a Death Wish I hereby pledge all my talents to fighting all things that plague the common man: scammers, bullies and political Nazis will be endangered; their children will live under the umbrella of fear stemming from fears of being overcome by a herd of drug-addled chimpanzees, eyes half-crazed in a frenzy of rage-filled celebration. Their bones are there for the taking, let the food chain sort the rest out. Times have come to a boiling point; only the witty survive.