Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Goodbye to a twisted, amusing man

After a few beers and a lot of reflection, I feel ready to sound a final blast out of my ill-noted horn I in tribute of the man who make me see the beauty of crafting words into an experience.
Although I never met the Good Doctor, I know enough to know that his death is a blow to the world in general. His was a voice of dissent. And he was a person who realized when he heard some weird knock in the political machine, quick to point out the troubled part and, more often than not, fast at the ready with a Jonathan Swift-like proposal that could have easily involved disemboweling politicans and running them out of town, screaming and strapped to the hind quarters of a pack of amphetamine-addled water rats.
He was an interesting man and I will miss him.
Godspeed Dr. Gonzo. The world will not be the same without the clicking sound of your keyboard.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Brain farts

Some of these album covers are so lame they make me feel dirty. But its still fun to laugh and point.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Silly internet, enemas are for alcoholics

I happened upon this site while searching for information on the crazy story out of Lake Jackson where a woman is accused of giving her husband a fatal enema full of sherry-flavored hellwater. I love the internet. Crazy freaks.