The doctor will see you now

I thought I had seen my fair share of weird news but this one takes the cake. Seems like a mohawked looney was trying to heat up his venison with a defibrillator. Here is a portion of the story:
"Cops in North Carolina thought it was odd enough a Jacksonville man was driving an ambulance reported stolen hours earlier.
Odder still was that he was wearing a makeshift doctor's uniform consisting of a stethoscope, a pager-like gadget and latex gloves stuffed in his back pocket.
But then things started getting really strange when they saw a dead deer, fully stretched out and wedged in the back. Some said there was an intravenous line attached to the animal and there was evidence a defibrillator had been used.
Others were just stunned.
"I don't know how the man got it up in there," said Sgt. Robert Pearson of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. "It was a six point buck."
Leon Hollimon Jr., 37, last seen in August at a River Region Human Services facility in Jacksonville, was sporting a Mohawk haircut and wearing a red shirt when he was chased down in the stolen ambulance Sunday in Rockingham County, N.C. "
Here is the article in its entirety: